The aim of bush regeneration is to restore and maintain an ecosystem in which natural regeneration can occur. This is done by using bush regeneration methods, such as weeding strategically, stabilising drainage lines, environmental burns, raising public awareness, reducing erosion, maintaining habitat and wildlife corridors. Bush regeneration programs help to lessen the many threats and pressures faced by urban bushland.
The Bradley Sisters pioneered bush regeneration in New South Wales in the 1970's. The sisters understood the importance of protecting natural areas from invasion of weed species by removing weeds and allowing for the natural regeneration of native species in the area. Lane Cove Council was the first council to recognise the value of bush regeneration as the best practice method of bushland management. The Bradley and May bush regeneration team were employed by Lane Cove Council to work in Warraroon Reserve in 1974. Since then Council has continued to use bush regeneration trained staff, contractors and volunteers to manage all of its bushland reserves.

An example of bush regeneration in Lane Cove, restoring a weedy gully from 1995 - 2009: