Age-Friendly Lane Cove Plan


Council's second Strategy for an Age-Friendly Lane Cove was adopted by Council following amendments made in the Public Exhibition period. The Strategy for an Age-Friendly Lane Cove: 2018-2023 is now available.

History of Age-Friendly Lane Cove

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities is an international effort to help cities prepare for the rapid ageing of populations.  It looks at the environmental, social and economic factors that influence the health and wellbeing of older people.

There are 258 Age-Friendly cities and communities representing 28 countries in the WHO Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities.  Lane Cove was the first Council in NSW to join the Network in June 2014.

Being an 'age-friendly community' means that the area is a good place for older people to live, work and visit. Lane Cove, just like the rest of Australia, has an ageing population - the 2016 Census shows that 24% of Lane Cove's current population is over the age of 55.

In early 2014 Council commenced the development of an 'Age-Friendly Lane Cove Strategy' in accordance with the requirements of the World Health Organisations (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Project.

Consultants were engaged to hold consultations with the community, develop a baseline assessment of the age-friendliness of Lane Cove and an action plan to address the suggestions for improvement.

A total of 479 people provided their views on the age-friendliness of Lane Cove. The findings are presented in a Baseline Assessment under each of the eight domains or topic areas:-

  • Outdoor spaces
  • Streets and buildings
  • Transport
  • Housing
  • Respect and social inclusion
  • Social participation
  • Communication and information
  • Civic participation
  • Community support and health services

Goals for each domain and the strategies and actions to achieve them were extrapolated from the Baseline Assessment to form the 'Strategy for an Age-Friendly Lane Cove, 2014-2017' which was adopted by Council in June 2015.

An Age-Friendly Advisory Committee was formed in October 2014 and has been working on the Strategy since then.