Exempt and Complying Development

Refer to State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

Exempt Development

A range of minor renovations and low-impact works may be considered exempt development. You do not need Council approval to undertake exempt development. Generally, exempt development cannot be undertaken on a heritage item.


Complying Development

If a proposed residential, commercial or industrial development fully meets specific development standards it may be classified as complying development. All Complying Development Certificate applications are required to be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal. It should be noted that a CDC can be issued by either Council or a Private Certifier.

Section 7.11 Contributions for Complying Development Certificates

Private Certifiers who issue Complying Development Certificates should check with Council whether Section 7.11 Contributions are applicable to that development. Please contact Council on (02) 9911 3555.

Complying Development Certificate - Security Damage Bond

If the estimated cost of the development is $25,000 or over, a security damage bond must be paid to Council prior to commencement of building work authorised by the Complying Development Certificate (including those issued by a private certifier). The Damage Deposit Form may be downloaded from our website under Development Forms.