Protocol on Animal Welfare

If you intend to undertake backyard trapping of Indian Mynas you must read, understand and agree to abide by the protocol as detailed below.
  • Traps used are to be designed specifically for Indian Mynas (or Starlings) and to have a release opening to allow any native birds to escape.

  • Trappers are not to use seed-based food in traps as this can attract native birds.

  • If a native bird is trapped, it is to be released immediately (avoid letting mynas escape where possible).

  • The traps are to contain food and clean water for any trapped birds.

  • The birds are not to be exposed to undue stress while trapped — avoid manhandling or approaching the traps too frequently.

  • Trapped Indian Mynas (and Starlings) are to be disposed of in a reasonable period (within two days), rather than kept captive for days on end.

  • Trapped birds are to have access to adequate food, clean water, shelter and shade.

  • The birds are not to be treated cruelly or with harsh conditions: please observe the requirements of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979.

  • Traps are to be checked morning and evening.

Dealing with trapped birds

Euthanasia is the responsibility of the trap operator and must be carried out in accordance with the NSW Department of Primary Industries document trapping of pest birds.

The method used for euthanising trapped birds is to be quick, painless, and stress-free. Current accepted methods include:

  • Gassing with carbon dioxide from a commercially available cylinder;

  • Cervical Dislocation (breaking their necks);

  • Injection with barbiturates (must be performed by a qualified veterinarian).

Please note that the use of carbon monoxide is not an accepted method in NSW.

Disposal of carcasses

Carcasses may be disposed of in you red lid domestic garbage bin provided that they are contained in a bag.

For any further information or enquiries please contact Council's Environmental Health Officer on 99113626 or email