Accessing Information

Council is committed to open government, and therefore any person may obtain access to Council documents.

Prior to lodging an access application form; try searching Council’s website, in particularly the Policies Page and the Plans and Publications Page.

If you are seeking information in regards to a Development application, the information may be found on Council’s Development Application Portal.

If you do not find the information you are seeking you have the option to apply for access to that information with us under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) using the correct form for informal or formal request for information.

Development Application Information

Development applications and any associated documents received in relation to a proposed development are now available on Council's website as required by the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA ).

These documents include certificates, specialist reports such as town planning, heritage, tree inspection, acoustic and land contamination reports, submissions received in response to the development application and the determination of the application. These documents may not be a complete history of the development application and may not be up-to date or accurate. Persons wishing to confirm information should contact Council directly. The documents are provided for information purposes only and Council does not accept any responsibility or liability for reliance upon this information.

Further, unless expressly stated to the contrary, the documents do not represent the views of Council but are the personal and professional views of the author of the documents.

These documents can be accessed using the Development Application Search.

For development history of a property a Development History Research Request application is required to be lodged.

Informal Access to Information

In addition, other documents which are produced by Council during the course of a business transaction can generally be obtained by completing an Informal Access to Information Form, subject to the restrictions below. Examples of these documents include reports on matters Council or staff have made decisions on, development approvals on properties etc.

The restrictions to these are limited to the following:

  • Where access to the documents would be contrary to the public interest;
  • Any part of a document which discloses personal details of a person (excluding submissions to development applications);
  • Any part of a document dealing with trade secrets;
  • A matter, the disclose of which would constitute an offence against an Act or found an action for breach of confidence;
  • Plans and specifications contained in building and development applications for any residential parts of a proposed building, other than plans that show the height and external configurations for the building in relation to the site on which it is proposed to be erected;
  • Any part of a document that contains advice concerning litigation or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the grounds of legal professional privilege;
  • Information which would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.

Wherever possible, access will be provided in a manner which is mutually convenient and cost effective.

To apply, please complete an Informal Access to Information Form and lodge it with Council.

All requests will be dealt with as soon as practicable and in any case within 7 days of receipt.  Council's GIPA Disclosure Process Flowcharts provide further details on the disclosure process for Informal Applications.

When applying be sure to indicate if you require copies of the documents.

Formal Access to Information

In some circumstances, it may be appropriate to obtain access to information by way of a Formal Access Application under the GIPA Act. In these situations a Formal Access to Information Application form is to be completed and submitted, together with the statutory fee.

The statutory fees applicable to a formal access application are $30.00 application fee and $30.00/hour thereafter to process the application. 

If you wish to discuss your formal application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, prior to lodgement please contact Council's Manager - Governance and Risk on (02) 9911 3525 or email us.

Formal Access to Information forms can be downloaded from the link below;

Formal Access to Information application form.

Formal access applications are required by law to be completed in 20 working days from the date of receipt. If consultation with a third party is required, a further 10 days extension is allowed. Council's GIPA Disclosure Process Flowcharts provide further details on the disclosure process for Formal Applications. 

Once assessed, you will receive a formal determination letter outlining the documents that can be released to you or reasons why any document/s have been withheld.

Pecuniary Interest Returns of Designated Persons

Council publishes the annual pecuniary interest returns of the following designated persons pursuant to the Government Information (Public Access) Regulations 2009:  Schedule 1 - Additional open access information – local authorities.   

In accordance with the Information and Privacy Commissions Guideline 1, Council has conducted the public interest test in relation each return and redacted any information where there is an overriding public interest against disclosure, for example a residential address or signature.

Councillor Scott Bennison (Mayor)
Councillor David Roenfeldt
Councillor Merri Southwood
Councillor David Brooks-Horn
Councillor Kathy Bryla
Councillor Bridget Kennedy
Councillor Rochelle Flood
Councillor Katherine Mort
Councillor Andrew Zbik
Craig Wrightson, General Manager
Mark Brisby, Director Planning and Sustainability
Stephanie Kelly, Director - Community and Culture
Martin Terescenko, Director - Open Spaces and Infrastructure
Steven Kludass, Director - Corporate Services and Strategy
Sebastian Stivala, Director - Major Projects
Sebastian Szewcow, Manager - Assets
Rajiv Shankar, Manager Development Assessment
Don Johnston, Chief Financial Officer
Ted Webster, Manager Open Space

Mandatory Notification of Data Breach Scheme

The Mandatory Notification of Data Breach Scheme (MNDB Scheme) is a requirement for NSW public sector agencies, that includes Lane Cove Council, under the Privacy & Personal Information Protection Act 1998. This scheme ensures we notify you if there's a data breach that could seriously affect you.

You can visit theNSW Information and Privacy Commissionfor more information about the MNDB Scheme.

Public Notification Register

This page provides details of the public notification of an eligible data breach under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (PPIP Act). A public notification is provided when it is not reasonably practicable to notify any or all of the individuals affected by the breach directly.

A list of all public notifications made by Council and Council’s Register of Public Notifications is found below. Council will retain notifications in the register for a period of 12-months.

Mandatory Notification of Data Breach Scheme - Public Register