Indian Myna Birds

The Common or Indian Myna, identified by its yellow beak and eye patch, and brown body, is an introduced pest bird and their population is spreading rapidly. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has ranked the Myna amongst the world’s 100 most invasive pest species.



Common Myna - Report a Pest


They are territorial and highly aggressive birds who compete with and displace native wildlife for habitat areas. They take over tree hollows and plug up nest sites they are not using, forcing possums and birds out and ejecting nestlings and eggs from their nests. They also compete with native fauna for food and habitat.

It is important to distinguish the pest Indian Myna from the common Noisy Miner. Indian Mynas are predominantly brown with a black head. In flight, white wing patches are clearly visible. Noisy Miners are native birds that are predominantly grey. They are protected and must be released if trapped.

  • Working with local businesses 
  • Regular cleaning of potential food sources 
  • Approved targeted pest control methods undertaken by qualified professionals. 
  • Use of bird spikes to prevent birds landing
  • Installed enclosed bins for all waste

To help complement these initiatives please assist us by not feeding any birds in the Plaza and The Canopy and ensure all rubbish is disposed of quickly into appropriate bins.

  • Place food scraps in bins and cover all pet food
  • Don’t feed birds in your backyard. 
  • Block potential nest sites, such as holes in roofs or gutters and remove any Myna nests you find in nest boxes or tree hollows on your property. 
  • Ensure doors and flyscreens are self closing to prevent Myna birds entering your house. 
  • Get involved with the Backyard Habitat program for information on planting local indigenous plants to encourage native species to your garden. 
  • Get involved with your own trapping and disposal program, or start a community trapping program.

Successful community trapping programs have been running in many areas including Canberra and on the Central Coast NSW. In addition to trapping, targeted professional pest control techniques that includes roof top baiting or hand feeding of bait can have a significant impact. Residents can set up a similar program in their own backyards and build their own trap or buy them online .

If you are interested in conducting your own trapping program it is important that you follow the trapping instructions and commit to the protocol on animal welfare with regard to trapping and disposal of Indian Myna birds.

For any further information - contact Council's Environmental Health Officer on 9911 3555 or email

Indian Myna Birds - Trapping 

If you are interested in conducting your own backyard trapping program there are a number of options for sourcing traps. You can make your own with plans available to download from the Canberra Indian Myna Action GroupCommercially made traps are also available. Search online for Indian myna traps for suppliers. It is important that if you purchase or build a trap that it conforms to the NSW Department of Primary Industries document trapping of pest birds.

Trapping Instructions

Trapping Instructions (adapted with permission from Canberra Indian Myna Action Group information)

Traps must only be placed on private property, to avoid public liability issues and the potential for vandalism or damage to the trap.

  • Place the trap in an open area or where birds already feed.

  • Bait the trap with a food the birds are accustomed to feeding on. Both dry and wet pet food has been successful, or if you have a pet you can use their food as mynas may have already been feeding on it. You can also experiment with different types of food and food scraps however do not use cereal and grain-based foods (birdseed and breadcrumbs etc) as this attracts non-target birds.

  • Place the bait outside the trap to attract mynas to the area, inside the entrance tunnels, and also inside the trap so that the mynas can see the food directly in front of them when they are in the tunnel.

  • Ensure that there is food and fresh water in the larger containment chamber for captured birds.

  • Monitor daily to ensure bait and water are available while trapping.

  • Keep pets (particularly cats) away when trapping as the birds see cats and dogs as predators and are unlikely to approach the trap.

  • Clean the trap regularly and relocate the trap after the area becomes soiled from captured birds, as they don’t appear to like being around their own excrement. Place newspaper or cardboard under the trap if using the trap on paved surfaces to avoid spoiling your pavements.

  • Don’t be disappointed if you don’t catch birds every day. They are spasmodic in their movements, so keep at it. They may have moved to another food source in the area but will return if you keep feeding.

  • Use gloves when handling live or dead birds as wild birds may carry disease.

  • Abide by the Protocol on animal welfare.

  • Report your trapped birds data here.


More Information

Protocol on animal welfare


For any further information or enquiries please contact Council's Environmental Health Officer on 99113626 or email