Council maintains 93km of pipelines and associated infrastructure.
Our team aims to reduce the run-off of rainwater from public sites such as roads, footpaths and parks.
You can request maintenance or report damage to any of Council's infrastructure by lodging a Service Request or contacting Council on (02) 9911 3555. Before lodging a request, use the image references below to ensure that the stormwater drain/pit is part of Council's infrastructure.
Council stormwater kerb inlet with grate

Council stormwater kerb inlet with pit behind kerb

If the pit looks different to those above, it may be a Sydney Water hydrant and valve or a Telecommunications manhole.
Sydney Hydrant and Stop Valve Cover – Located on Road and Nature Strips
If you have spotted a leak in a public space, please contact Sydney Water on 132 090 or lodge a request online with Sydney Water.
Sydney Water hydrant and stop valve - located on nature strip

Sydney Water hydrant and stop valve - located on road

Telecommunications (eg Telstra) Service Manhole
If you notice damage to these manhole covers, contact the responsible Telecommunications provider as shown on the service manhole lid.
Telecommunications (Telstra) small manhole

Telecommunications (Telstra) large manhole