August 2019
Council at its meeting on Monday 19 August 2019 resolved that:
- Council receive and note the advice of the Independent Planning Commission (IPC);
- Council advise the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, that the NSW Government should review and respond to the IPC's advice and recommend that:-
a) Council participates in the process and provides all necessary information and resources as required;
b) In conducting the review, although it is appropriate for Council to participate, the findings should be delivered by the Government;
c) As a number of the issues raised by the IPC also apply to the remainder of the St Leonards / Crown Nest 2036 study area, the NSW Chief Planner be involved in the review in addition to the Government Architect; and
d) Dr Deborah Dearing from the Greater Sydney Commission also be included in the review; and
3. That the review also consider:-
a) Reducing the 41% growth target for Lane Cove to 2036 to a more realistic rate in line with neighbouring Councils such as Mosman (6%) and Hunters Hill (9%) rather than our larger neighbours (such as North Sydney 27%, Willoughby 21% and Ryde 45%);
b) Contributing to the provision of more open space in the St Leonards South precinct given that Council's proposed contribution through the draft Master Plan is already $30 million (over and above existing s7.11 contributions) and a higher amount will be needed to purchase more open space;
c) Overshadowing concerns, particularly facing River Road;
d) The need to provide accessible pathways for pedestrians and cyclists;
e) The need to provide local community facilities; and
f) The overall financial feasibility of the plan.
September 2019
On 10 September 2019, Council wrote to the Minister Stokes seeking his involvement to ensure the review is adequately resourced.
The General Manager had met with representatives of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to better understand the proposed process. The Department had set a 2 month indicative timeframe to undertake the strategic review of the scheme having regard to the IPC's advice. Once the review is complete, depending on the scale of change, community consultation would then be undertaken. At the conclusion of the consultation process Council would be in a position to consider such amendments in the finalisation of the Planning Proposal.
October 2019
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment advised that they intend to release the timetable and terms of reference for the strategic review of the St Leonards South scheme by 25 October 2019.
Two Planning Proposals lodged in the St Leonards South Precinct were refused by Council and Sydney North Planning Panel as they were inconsistent with the Master Plan and Draft LEP amendment.
November 2019
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment released the Terms of Reference for the strategic review of the St Leonards South Planning Proposal and announced the review included a Charette (where experts were gathered to review the scheme) was conducted on 11 November 2019. Participants included the Government Architect, a representative of the Greater Sydney Commission and a team of design and urban planning specialists. When complete it is intended that an outcome report would be produced and provided to Council in 2019.
February 2020
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment released its Strategic Review of the St Leonards South Planning Proposal which included a Charette (where experts were gathered to review the scheme) conducted on 11 November 2019. The report concludes "Specifically, the planning proposal should be reviewed to consider:
- Creation of a new central park – the proposed open space should be relocated to sit centrally within the St Leonards South precinct in order to maximise opportunities with active and passive recreation and make effective use of strategically co-located community uses.
- Consolidation of public open space – pocket parks referenced at Holdsworth Avenue, Marshall Avenue and Berry Road should be consolidated into one central open space. This will maximise useability of open space for both passive and active recreation activities.
- Creation of new east-west links – an amended block layout should be explored with additional east-west links to establish a grid pattern in the precinct. This will achieve improved pedestrian permeability and activate public open space connections.
- Reorientation of density in the precinct – in order to maintain solar access to public open space, density should be reorientated to the north-east portion of the precinct.
- Minimising traffic movements – by minimising on-street parking, closing the intersection at Canberra Avenue and River Road, and introducing maximum car parking rates for the precinct. These measures will assist in delivering a pedestrianised environment reflective of the precinct's proximity to active transport".

May 2020
On 11 May 2020, Council held an Extraordinary Meeting to respond to the State Government's Design Charrette, Independent Planning Commission advice and all submissions received during the public consultation process on St Leonards South.
Council resolved to amend the draft plans to reduce the overall density of the plan, increase the amount of open space and key worker housing and include other measures related to design guidance/excellence and sustainability. A further resolution was passed on 18 May 2020 to provide further clarification on some points. Please see the 'Council Agendas and Minutes' section for all details.
Council forwarded the amended Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment.
September 2020 - Finalisation of St Leonards South Planning Proposal
The St Leonards South Planning Proposal (Planning Proposal 25) was finalised by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, consistent with Council's resolution of 11 May 2020. This included a reduction in the height of buildings along Canberra Ave and Park Rd and comes into effect from 1 November, 2020. In the interim, the LEP wording and associated maps, including the incentive height of buildings map can be viewed on the LEPs Online website - Determination Documents tab.
The Gazetted LEP amendment reflects the height changes between the exhibited draft Incentive Height of Buildings Map and final Incentive Height of Buildings Map. The number of storeys permitted within the height controls is regulated in the Development Control Plan (DCP) for the area which is being updated to reflect the controls shown in Figure 13 included in the Supplementary Report adopted by Council. A consolidated DCP reflecting this as well as other amendments from the 11 May Council Meeting were submitted to the October 2020 Council Meeting.
Please note: The recently finalised St Leonards Crows Nest 2036 Plan shows a different diagram compared to Figure 13. However, DPIE has confirmed the finalised LEP overrides any such references within the St Leonards Crows Nest 2036 Plan.
October 2020
The final Development Control Plan and Landscape Master Plan for St Leonards South were adopted by Council at the 19 October 2020 meeting and took effect from that date. Copies of the documents can be found below:
April 2021
Council considered the post-consultation St Leonards South draft Section 7.11 Plan at its April 2021 meeting. The plan (including Appendix B -Detailed Cost Estimates Mitchell Brandtman Report from March 2021) were forwarded to IPART for review and assessment. Visit the IPART website for the status of their assessment.
December 2021
IPART has completed its assessment of the contributions that Lane Cove Council can levy developers in the St Leonards South precinct.
IPART's assessment ensures that developers pay the reasonable cost of providing local infrastructure required by new developments in the St Leonards South precinct.
Developers in the St Leonards South precinct would provide around $44 million to deliver a new local park, expansion of Newlands Park and pocket parks. A further $9 million will pay for stormwater and road upgrades.
IPART's main findings and recommendations were:
- Council should investigate funding the new local park earlier in the development timeline, before incorporating changes in the next review of SLS CP in 3 years' time.
- Remove the cost of shared paths which will be delivered via conditions of consent.
The Final Report on IPART's review of St Leonards South Precinct Section 7.11 Contributions Plan is available to view on IPART's website.
The Final Report is inclusive of:
April 2022
At its Ordinary meeting of 19 April 2022, Council adopted the St Leonards South Section 7.11 Contributions Plan as an IPART reviewed contributions plan.
This plan came into force on 20 April 2022 by being published on Council's website.
The adopted site-specific & LGA-wide Plan are available to review online.