St Leonards South - Development Applications
This page provides details of the approved Development Applications for the St Leonards South planned precinct.
The precinct is between Canberra Avenue, Park Road, Marshall Avenue and River Road (see below).

If you have any concerns, you can report matters online or if urgent, call Council on (02) 9911 3555.
Contact person:
Mark Brisby
Executive Manager – Environmental Services
(02) 9911 3610
Update on Berrys Creek - 17 September 2024
Sydney Water has advised Council that the sewer leak has been resolved. While the investigations have concluded, Sydney Water are still monitoring this location for any further indications of sewage in the waterway.
In relation to the development at St Leonards South, Council continues to monitor the precinct in relation to silt and sediment controls, dust mitigation and hours of operation.
Council will provide a final update when received from Sydney Water.
Update on Berrys Creek - 19 July 2024
Council has become aware of concern about Berry Creek.
Our staff have been investigating the situation over the last week.
The has been a lot of speculation regarding the construction at St Leonard South, silt & sediment controls and the impacts on the Creek.
In relation to St Leonards South, Council meets regularly with all the builders, the compliance team inspect the sediment control works on all the building sites and take enforcement action when appropriate.
The most recent inspections carried out this week reveal each of the sites have in place silt & sediment controls in line with best practise. This includes on site filtration systems with water testing and the site boundaries are protected by sediment control measures.
In the interests of the local environment Council had arranged for the creek to be cleaned.
This work has commenced and the contractor has quickly discovered that the condition in the Creek is from a sewer leak. We have notified Sydney Water who are in attendance and the initial analysis is that they believe it is the result of grease and rags in a Sydney Water sewer pipe. They expect to be on site most of the weekend. They are currently testing upstream to attempt establish the source.
Council will continue to monitor both Berry Creek and St Leonards South.
For further enquiries please contact Council on 9911 3555.
Topspring Development – 21 to 41 Canberra Avenue St Leonards South - Weather Event
Update 24 & 25 November 2023 – Weather Event
After the wet weather Friday 24 & Saturday 25 November it is apparent that the existing silt & sediment controls in place did not cope with the weather.
Council staff were on site and observed that silt laden water was still leaving the site despite the controls put in place.
Senior staff have met with Topspring senior management Monday morning to raise the concerns.
The developer was advised that Council will be issuing a Clean Up Notice under Section 91 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
In brief this will require the immediate clean-up of Berry Creek by a suitably qualified professional and the submission of a report from an Ecologist confirming the works as carried out satisfy the Notice.
Two penalty infringement notices {fines} will be issued for the following offences;
- POEO Act – Pollute Waters $8,000
- Breach DA conditions – Silt & Sediment controls $6,000
Council advised that works were required to be stopped on the site and this matter addressed as such a Stop Work Order would be issued.
Topspring voluntary agreed to cease construction works on the site immediately. At this stage Council will not issue the Stop Work Order.
Topspring confirmed that they have commenced works on further upgrading the sediment controls as follows;
- Construction of a trench along the boundary to Canberra avenue & River Rd.
- The trench to capture the water and be filled with aggregate to filter the sediment
- Construction of a sediment basin on the site.
- Upgrade of silt fence along the boundary
Council has requested that they provide drawings / plans for these new controls. Council will be engaging a suitable professional to peer review these plans.
After the morning’s meeting staff inspected the site and confirmed that construction had ceased and that upgrade works had commenced.
The inspection revealed that following the weekends weather that immediate measures need to be put in place to protect the site as follows;
- Street gutters require cleaning and maintenance
- Councils stormwater pits must be cleaned out
- The footpath must be cleaned for the full length of the boundary
- The silt & sediment fences require urgent replacement at the boundary
- Particular attention should be given to the two driveway access to the site
- The roadway in Canberra avenue needs to be cleaned
- General clean-up of the site, removal of damaged mesh fencing adjacent
Topspring and their contractor are working on these items today.
14-16 Marshall Avenue, 2-10 Berry Road, and 5-9 Holdsworth Avenue, St Leonards
Areas: 13, 14 and 15
DA Number: 56/2023
Description: Construction of three (3) residential flat buildings (10 storeys) comprising a total of 185 apartments and basement parking for 249 vehicles.
Applicant Details:
Ms Anna Wang
123 Pitt Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000
UPDATE: Development Consent was granted to the applicant New Modern by the Sydney North Planning Panel (SNPP) on 4/03/24 for the construction of 3 residential flat buildings.
The NSW Government in Dec 2023 as part of their Housing Reforms introduced The Affordable Housing Bonus Scheme into the Housing SEPP.
In summary it offered developers the opportunity to increase both the height & FSR of their buildings by a maximum of 30% in exchange for up to 15% GFA for affordable housing.
The applicant has lodged a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) taking advantage of the bonus scheme with 15% of the GFA as affordable housing.
Please note this application will be assessed and determined by the Department of Planning, Housing & Industry. Click here for the link.
26-50 Park Road, 27-47 Berry Road and 48-54 River Road, St Leonards
Areas: 22 and 23
DA Number: 154/2022
Description: Construction of four (4) residential flat buildings (ranging from 3 - 10 storeys) comprising a total of 306 apartments and basement parking for 545 vehicles.
Applicant Details:
Ms Harsha Yadiv
123 Pitt Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000
1-5 Canberra Avenue, 4-8 Marshall Avenue, 2-8 Holdsworth Avenue, St Leonards
Areas: 1, 2 and 4
DA Number: 79/2022
Description: Demolition of existing structures and construction of three (3) residential flat buildings (ranging from 12 to 19 storeys) comprising a total of 232 apartments and basement parking for 348 vehicles.
Applicant Details:
Mr Alex Yim
SLS Holdsworth Residences Pty Ltd
Office 304, Level 3, 500 Pacific Highway, ST LEONARDS NSW 2065
22-34 Berry Road, 21-31 Holdsworth Avenue and 42-46 River Road, St Leonards
Areas: 18-20
DA Number: 60/2022
Description: Demolition of existing structures and construction of residential flat buildings comprising 230 apartments and basement parking for 411 vehicles.
Applicant Details:
Helena Miller
MG Planning P/L
Tel: 0405 180 117
1-3 Holdsworth Avenue and 10-12 Marshall Avenue, St Leonards
Area: 12
DA Number: 187/2021 & 146/2024
Description: Demolition of the existing structures and construction of a part 10 and part 12 storey residential flat building comprising 96 apartments and basement parking for 110 vehicles
VPA: 14 December 2021 - 11 January 2022 Public notification of Development Application and Draft VPA.
Applicant details:
New Golden C/
Cameron Gray
Willowtree Planning Pty Ltd
65 Berry Street
On 13th October 2022, the Sydney North Planning Panel (SNPP) at its meeting approved the development application for demolition of all existing structures and construction of a part-10 and part-12 storey residential flat building comprising 96 apartments and basement parking for 110 vehicles.
On 20th April 2023, a s4.55(1A) modification to amend the previous basement layout was approved under delegation.
On 21st August 2023, a s4.55(1A) modification to amend apartment layout on levels 11 and 12, unit mix, basement layout, below ground retaining wall was approved under delgation.
On 26th February 2024 a s4.55(1A) modification to delete a level of basement carparking and extend the modified basement to 1m from the boundary with Holdsworth Avenue was withdrawn.
On 19th April 2024 a s4.55(1A) modification to amend the Water NSW conditions to convert from a drained basement instead of a tanked basement was approved under delegation.
On 4th July 2024 a s4.55(1A) modification to amend the approved plans, delete conditions FA.8A and FA.8B and amend all approval descriptions to reflect additional car spaces was approved under delegation.
13-19 Canberra Avenue, St Leonards
Area: 5
DA number: 162/2021
Description: Demolition of existing structures and construction of a mixed-use development (12 storeys) comprising 81 apartments, childcare centre for 60 children, community facility, restaurant/café and basement parking for 116 vehicles, east-west public pedestrian link and stratum/strata subdivision
Applicant Details:
Mr Simon Truong
HPG General P/L
256 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood NSW 2067
Tel: 02 8045 8683
UPDATE: Development Consent was granted to the applicant Hyecorp by the Sydney North Planning Panel (SNPP) on 27/06/22 for the construction of a residential flat building.
The applicant made an appeal in the Land and Environment Court (LEC) seeking the addition of one storey.
In December 2023 as part of their Housing Reforms the NSW Government introduced The Affordable Housing Bonus Scheme into the Housing SEPP.
In summary it offered developers the opportunity to increase both the height & FSR of their buildings by a maximum of 30% in exchange for up to 15% GFA for affordable housing.
After concurrence by the Sydney North Planning Panel the LEC on Tuesday 28 May 2024 ordered by way of S34 conciliation to dispose of the proceedings.
It is noted in the Orders that no assessment of the merits has been made and as such no precedent.
The applicant has lodged a new Development Application (DA) taking advantage of the NSW Government’s bonus scheme with 15% of the GFA as affordable housing.
21 to 41 Canberra Avenue and 18 to 32 Holdsworth Avenue, St Leonards
Areas: 7-11
DA number: 99/2021
Description: Demolition of existing structures and construction of five (5) residential flat buildings (ranging from 6 to 10 storeys) comprising a total of 323 apartments and basement parking for 372 vehicles.
21-25 and 37-41 Canberra Avenue, St Leonards
Areas: 7-11
DA number: 97/2021
Description: Temporary Display Suite and Real Estate Signage.
Private Certifier Details:
McKenzie Group Consulting (NSW) Pty Ltd (ACN 093 277 995)
Level 6, 189 Kent Street,
Tel: 02 8298 6800