Enrolments and Waiting List

Centre Tours

COVID-safe tours of Kindy Cove are available for prospective families. To ensure the safety of families, children, staff and visitors, additional measures are in place. Find out more.

Waiting List

The process for securing a place involves a non-refundable payment of $30.00 per child before we send you a link to complete an online Wait List application. 

The Wait List is long and may take up 12 to 18 months for a place to become available, so it is recommended that you register at several childcare centres. Please note that a place is not guaranteed as availability depends upon vacancies and your requirements at the time.

To submit an application for the Kindy Cove Waiting List, please:

  1. Send an email to kindycove@lanecove.nsw.gov.au stating your interest in being on the Waiting List. Please include in the subject line of the email your name and your child's name (eg: Waiting List Application by … (Guardian) … for …(Child)…). Please note you don't have to include other details as you will be completing the Waitlist Application online.
  2. At the time of emailing, please pay the $30.00 application fee (non-refundable). Payment is by Direct Deposit only: BSB: 062-192 A/C: 10393881 (please put name of child in description).
  3. Once we have verified the $30.00 payment has been received, we will reply to your email and include a website link for you to submit an Online Waitlist Application.
  4. Please note it may take up to one week from when the payment is made to us replying to your email.
  5. Please also note a two-day minimum is required at Kindy Cove with one day to be either a Monday or Friday.

Find out more here Waiting List Information Flyer.


The fees are reviewed annually by the Management Advisory Committee, the directors and Council representatives. Fees applicable from 1 July 2023.

Nursery: $159.90 per day

Blue Room (toddlers): $155.90 per day

Green Room (pre-schooler): $153.90 per day

Note: It is important that accounts are always settled two weeks in advance.

Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is a government subsidy to help cover the cost of childcare for families. How much you receive depends on your individual circumstances. More information can be obtained from the Service Australia website: www.servicesaustralia.gov.au


The NSW Public Health Act 2010 contains requirements for child care facilities (early childhood education and care centres) to be provided with a vaccination certificate on enrolment of each child. The NSW Parliament passed a Bill to amend the Public Health Act 2010 to strengthen vaccination enrolment requirements in child care. From 1 January 2018 parents or guardians will need to provide evidence when accepting an offer of enrolment at Kindy Cove that their child:

  • Is fully vaccinated for their age; or
  • has a medical reason not to be vaccinated; or
  • is on a recognised catch-up schedule if their child has fallen behind with their vaccinations.

Which documentation will be accepted by Kindy Cove?

  • An Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) Immunisation History Statement which shows that their child is up to date with their scheduled immunisations; or
  • An ACIR Immunisation Exemption - Medical Contraindication Form (IMMU11) which has been certified by a GP; or
  • An ACIR Immunisation History form on which the immunisation provider has certified that the child is on a recognised catch-up schedule (temporary for 6 months only)

A copy of your child's immunisation details can also be obtained at any time by:

Which vaccines must a child have to be fully vaccinated?

  • The NSW Immunisation Schedule sets out the age-appropriate vaccines for children and the AIR Immunisation History Statement will indicate if the child is up to date with their vaccinations.