Wet Weather Update

Published on 05 April 2024

Sandbags at Blackman Park


The lead response agency in a storm event is the SES.
For emergencies please call the SES on 132 500 and for life-threatening emergencies, please call Triple Zero (000).
Council will continue to work with emergency services where required.
Current Bureau of Meteorology Warnings: http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/warnings/
Tune in: ABC 702 is the official broadcaster for emergency information

Road closures: https://www.livetraffic.com/
Power outages: https://www.ausgrid.com.au/Outages/Current-Outages
Preparing for an emergency: www.lanecove.nsw.gov.au/emergency


Fallen trees/branches: SES on 132 500 or Council on 9911 3555.
If it is smaller ongoing maintenance then please use our Street And Park Tree Maintenance Request form at www.lanecove.nsw.gov.au/onlineservices
Fallen powerlines, damaged poles, exposed cables or damaged kiosks: Call Ausgrid’s Emergency Line on 13 13 88
Potholes: Report to Council on 9911 3555 or if smaller, ongoing maintenance email service@lanecove.nsw.gov.au


There is a self help sandbag point available for local residents at Blackman Park, Lane Cove West with sand, shovels and empty sandbags provided. Sandbags will need to be filled. It is best to have at least two people working together to fill sandbags no more than half to two thirds and please take only what you need. Available until allocation exhausted.

Sandbags can be used to reduce the impact of flooding on your home or business. Sandbags will not stop flood water entirely but can reduce the amount of water entering your premises. Find out more about sandbags using the SES links below:

Thank you to our local Willoughby - Lane Cove SES volunteers for setting up this sandbag point in between attending storm and flood jobs.
Stay safe everyone!