266 Longueville Road

Birdseye view of 266 Longueville Road.

Latest Update

The assignment of the lease has been executed on behalf of Council under the General Manager’s delegation as noted in the minutes of the May Council meeting.

Council has prepared Frequently Asked Questions in relation to the lease. 

Details of the project and enquiries can be found on the Pathways website.

If you have any enquiries or concerns about this development, please contact Council's Director - Planning and Sustainability on 9911 3555 or mbrisby@lanecove.nsw.gov.au

May 2022 Update

A Supplementary Agenda Item was released for the May Council meeting that relates to the long term lease of 266 Longueville Road.

To view a copy of the report to the May meeting, please visit Council’s Meeting Agenda and Minutes section of the website.

If you would like to view the Council meeting please visit our Webcast page. Minutes are also available to view on Council's website.

March 2022 Update

At the Council Meeting of 21 March 2022 Council considered an Update on the Long Term Lease of 266 Longueville Road to Design, Construct and Operate a Seniors Living Village.

Council resolved the motion of Councillor's Flood and Kennedy that Australian Unity be advised that Council:

  1. Does not agree to vary the Lease and Agreements For Lease terms;
  2. Expects Australian Unity to meet its legal obligations;
  3. Authorise the General Manager to write to Australian Unity on a without prejudice basis to explain Council's legal position and seeking to resolve the dispute; and
  4. Authorise the General Manager and Mayor to determine an outcome acceptable to Council in respect of the dispute resolution processes and advise councillors of the proposal prior to finalisation.

Development Application Determination

The Development Application for 266 Longueville Road (DA117/2017), was considered in a public meeting by the Sydney North Planning Panel in September 2021.

The application has been determined by the granting of an approval and the statement of reasons dated 6 September 2021 is now available to view on the Sydney North Planning Panel website.


The site comprises three parcels of land described as Lot 1 in DP 321353, Lot 1 in DP 1227921 and Lot 2 in DP 1227921 known as 266 Longueville Road, Lane Cove.

Birdseye view of 266 Longueville Road.

Source: Statement of Environmental Effects

The original proposal comprises 70 residential aged care beds, 90 independent living units (self-contained dwellings), associated facilities, new landscape works, car parking for 137 vehicles and site embellishments. The application was notified extensively. A public information meeting was held on 20 September 2017 as part of public consultation.

The proposal was assessed by an independent external consultant and presented to the Sydney North Planning Panel at its public meeting held on 11 July 2018 for determination.

The Panel deferred determination and requested the applicant make amendments to the development and provide additional information.

The notice of determination is available on Council’s website.

A number of time extensions were requested by the Applicant and granted by the Panel to fully address the issues raised.

The applicant has now amended the proposed development and provided additional information on 24 April 2019.

The amendments to the proposal also include the following:

  • Increase in setback on the southern boundary by 1m while creating a 2m landscape strip towards Timber Tops.

The additional information submitted include the following:

  • Detailed site investigated under SEPP55
  • Peer review of traffic assessment
  • Assessment of ecological impacts
  • Assessment of visual impacts from the golf course
  • Information relating to site compatibility certificate
  • Gross Floor Area & Floor Space Ratio calculations.

All information submitted by the applicant is available on Council’s website.

Due to the unprecedented amount of documents associated with the Development Application for 266 Longueville Road (DA117/2017), the documents relating to the Original Application (submitted in August 2017) can be viewed in this document and the documents relating to the Amended Application (submitted in April 2019) can be found on this webpage. Please note that some information is relevant to the original and the amended proposal.

A supplementary report was prepared by an independent external consultant. The report and supporting documents are available on Council's website and the Sydney North Planning Panel website.


266 Longueville Road, Lane Cove 2066  View Map

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