Beachwatch Update

Published on 10 May 2024

Waterway in Lane Cove

Lane Cove and other coastal councils have been given a 12-months' extension before the Universal Beachwatch Partnership Program becomes user-pays.

In response to feedback from councils, Minister for the Environment Penny Sharpe has informed the 14 affected councils that the proposed changes will not go ahead until 1 July 2025, allowing time for further consultation. 

'Beachwatch is an important program for those who visit our beaches and waterways, and for councils that work with Beachwatch to detect and respond to emerging pollution problems.

'The NSW Government is committed to ensuring an equitable service and good program design for all councils across the state.

'We are dedicated to genuine partnerships with councils, and look forward to working with them to ensure Beachwatch can give the community confidence to swim in more waterways across New South Wales.'

- Minister for the Environment Penny Sharpe.